Friday, October 12, 2007

Round Table Meeting

We had the October RoundTable meeting last night at Third Place Books. There were six of us there, including me. Rich Schwab, who used to be the RT leader was in town and was also there, which always makes for lively conversation. There was also a woman there named Artemis, which, given our subject manner, was appropriate. :)

The discussion was interesting, and the meeting was a lot of fun. We talked about Artemis for a bit. Rich told the story of The Handless Maiden, whose themes of purity fit in well with the Artemesian subject of the meeting. He also told the story of Sedna.

Overall, a successful meeting.

(The image is an art piece by Caz Love)

Update: I found an interesting essay on The Handless Maiden by Midori Snyder here.

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