We had a nice Easter at our house-Ron's parents came up from Portland for the weekend, and my brother and his family came over for dinner and an egg hunt. It was pouring out, so we had the egg hunt indoors, but it was still lots of fun. Alex loves having visitors, but it can be hard to get him to take his naps when we have guests over-he doesn't want to miss anything. :) Chris had been reading this blog, and he asked about Artemis, so I was able to explain a little of what's been going on for me recently with that particular archetype.
Yesterday Alex did something particularly cute. We went out to play on our deck, and he grabbed an old bucket that Ron had been using to scrub the deck, and he started picking up pine cones and putting them into the bucket, like he was playing Easter egg hunt. He astonishes me sometimes. See the attached picture.
I'm meeting with my trainer again today. Things are progressing well there, but a little more gradually than I had thought. It's good though-it would be hard to go from basically nothing to two hours of working out each day. I do like the trainer a lot-that worked out well.
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